Curt - Owner
(217) 626-5239
- You're here for a reason.
- You KNOW utility companies are taking advantage of you, right?
- You KNOW they will continue to raise rates, year after year after year, right?
- How long will you let them control your electricity and cost?!
Your savings starts with just one click.
We look at your 12 month usage, then design a system to produce that amount of kWh each year.
This will cut your dependence on utility companies and lower your overall cost for electricity.
- Experts predict blackouts in near future.
(Google "USA Blackout Threats")
- Aging grids, more demand than supply, foreign cyber attacks...Your energy security is vulnerable!
- How will it feel to be without power for days or WEEKS at a time??
- With a battery backup, even when the grid goes down, you still have power.
- Power electric heaters in winter. Internet stays on. Watch TV. Run your business, or work from home. Live as you normally do.
- Solar panels charge battery during the day.
Battery powers home at night.
- Solar is LESS per month than your utility cost.
- No upfront cost for installation. Everything included in one monthly statement, starting AFTER you're system is turned on and offsetting grid dependence.
- Getting pre-approved for funding is quick, easy, and does not affect your credit.
- Federal Tax Credit covers up to 30% of total cost.
- State incentives vary, but some are massive. Illinois for example, can cover up to 30% of system cost (in addition to federal tax credit).
- Most utility companies have "net metering", which means they pay you for any excess power you make.
- Cash back rebates in the thousands of dollars.
- SRECs (Solar Renewable Energy Credits).
A certificate, separate from the physical electricity produced, that companies will pay you to offset their fossil fuel usage. You can get paid thousands of dollars each year on top of everything else!
What is the cost of solar?
Despite misleading advertising, Solar is not free. It's a bill swap. Instead of paying Utility Company, you're paying for equipment that produces the electricity. The good news, with available incentives, the cost for solar per month is less than cost per month to Utility. No money up front. Payments don't start until system is operational. Essentially, a free switch to something better.
What are the financial benefits of switching to solar energy with My Solar Deal?
Switching to solar power with My Solar Deal will significantly reduce your electricity bills. With available incentives, such as federal tax credits, cash back rebates, and SRECs you can sell on free market, homeowners can cut their bills as much as 70%. Additionally, solar panels can increase property value.
Why should I even consider solar?
The benefits of solar mean different things to different people. The universal truth is that solar is simply a less expensive way to pay for the electricity you're already using. (Analogy: Two gas stations next to each other. Once is 10 cents less per gallon. All you're doing is filling up for less.) As time goes on, the impact and benefits of solar snowball. Most financing options lock you into a fixed monthly payment for the life of the system (think of it like a fixed rate mortgage). Utility companies raise rates due to inflation year after year. If you're paying $150/month now, without solar you could be paying $300 in 10 years, if not more! You have no control. With solar, YOU control what you pay. 10 years from now you'll still only be paying $150. Your savings snowball as time goes on, adding up to tens of thousands of dollars saved!
What if panels are damaged by hail or trees?
Depending how the damage occured, panels are often covered under manufacturing warranties as well as generally covered by most home insurance policies. It's best to review your own policy to assess your specific coverage.
What incentives are available?
There are many incentives available! Federal, state, local, and utilities themselves often chip in to help cover your cost to go solar. Incentives vary by location, so it's best to book a meeting with me, and I'll be able to look up exactly what you qualify for.
Solar Renewable Energy Credit (SREC). A certificate for clean energy production, is separate from the actual electricity created. These certificates are purchased by companies, such as your Utility to comply with clean energy mandates and quotas. 1 SREC is equal to 1,000 kWh of production. Depending on the state/market you're in, SRECs will be bought on the open market, ranging from $4 to $400. For example, if your system produces 12,000 kWh of energy per year (12 SRECs), and you sell for $200 per SREC, YOU WILL GET PAID $2,000. Again, this is separate from the actual energy you produced to power your home. Think of it as a yearly bonus!!
Will I still have a utility bill?
Technically yes, but whether you pay them anything depends on your system's production. Your utility company will handle "net metering", where they buy your excess power during the day, then sell it back to you at night. If your system offset is around 100%, over the course of a year, it's typically a wash. You'll pay for the panels, but if you're not using any power from the grid, you're not paying the utility company anything other than the mandatory account fee (if you produce a net excess during the year, your Utility company actually PAYS YOU for the extra production, which can cover all fees they may charge.
Solar can be installed on most roofs. An inspector will assess your roof during a "site survey", and determine if we can install as-is. If your roof is older and damaged, it's advisable to replace the roof before installing 25 year panels. If roof needs replaced before the 25 year panel lifespan, it's a simple process to remove panels, replace roof, then reinstall panels. You are protected from leaks with warranties for the parts of the roof we attach panels to.
What about maintenance?
Typically, there is no maintenance required on your part. Systems are designed to operate autonomously for decades. Occasionally look at your app to verify proper production. In the rare occurrence, a panel or inverter has an issue, let us know and we will come out and replace it. You can clean panels off if you want, but it doesn't make a huge impact on production. Consider to literally save your money for a rainy day!
Do panels work when it's cloudy and during the winter?
Yes, panels work during those periods as well, just not as much as on sunny days. Don't worry, we take into account the average cloudy days per year when designing your system. You typically produce more in summer than you need, but less in winter. It all averages out over the course of the year.
How do I know the panels are working?
There is an app for your phone that you can track production in real time, and receive reports of total production.
I've been helping families achieve energy and financial security with solar for many years.
In all this time, I've found one simple truth. Deciding on solar is only a tiny bit harder than choosing which gas station to fill up at, but easier than deciding what to make for dinner ;)
It is my commitment to you, to paint the whole picture. Pros and cons. I will share the facts, the projections, and consult you based on your specific circumstances.
End of the day, it's your call and I will support your decision 100%. No high pressure sales from me, only friendly discussions to find solutions. Pressure never seems to be needed when results are positively life changing. You will feel like a million bucks when you secure your energy and financial future with solar!